Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Day of "school" approaches.....

School officially starts Monday! I am a little nervous. Sitting here on Saturday trying to read the manual for my curriculum, lessons and attendance tracker software and make sure I have everything set up correctly. I realize I can go back and finish or modify anything I do, but really would like to set everything up right to begin with. She is officially withdrawn from public school. Some friends think it’s cool, some “friends” are just figuring out she isn’t coming back and some people are being nasty. Such is life. Here’s hoping we get this school rolling in a positive way next week. We are having a “grand opening” of Coastal Carolina Academy tomorrow with a few family members coming to celebrate this journey.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Curriculum and....everything else

Here we are....waiting on the form to arrive back from the state acknowledging our school so we can get started. We have science (short geology, physical science and Ocean Conservation series), math and social studies/geography to finish out this "year" put aside along with a series of books for reading and completing book reports. So I guess we are good for the minute. The question really becomes, "what does the summer schedule look like?" Year round schooling with breaks for volunteer work, vacations and sporadic days of "do nothing" feel like the right answer to me. With that said, we need to have curriculum ready for summer moving into fall. Do I order some of this now? Wait for the NC Homeschool Convention that is not until the end of May? hmmmm decisions.

In the mean time I also need to decide on a tracking and reporting process for her, clean out the space on the bookshelf in her room for her books etc and review her materials for the volunteer groups she is joining. Fingers crossed ..the timing of this is great as she was just nominated for a Scholar Athlete award at her cheer gym! So guess that is one more thing I need to review once she completes her paper for the award! Definitely a proud mama moment when I was notified she had been nominated as a candidate for the award. Truly ... I am proud of my daughter!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1 What AM I doing??

***Disclaimer from the start*** I will "blog" straight from the heart. This will not be an excercise in grammer and sentence structure.

Well- where to start? Have never even considered doing something like a blog before, but here I am. In our house we are getting ready to go on a new journey. Homeschooling. I am the stepmom (hate that term because I would claim them as my own in a minute) to 2 boys. One is out of High School and the other just entered. I also have a daughter that is in middle school and herein is the issue. She is smart. Honor Roll student that loves everybody and hates girl drama. She isn't in it most of the time but is exposed to it daily. She does allstar cheerleading and wants to try out for the middle school team. It's all she has talked about for a couple of years. All along I thought great! Now, I find myself wondering if it is really so great. Maybe, just maybe, it might be "great" to homeschool for a couple of years in order for her to have more educational opportunities. Is it really going to impact her life in such a positive way to be a middle school cheerleader? I mean really?? Allstar is competitive and year round. Will it matter in 5 years that she was a student at this middle school? She wants to be a marine biologist or work in environmental science. Ummm guess what? She will only receive 1/2 a year of science every year through 8th grade. Anyone else think that's not enough???

I just submitted our homeschool form to the state. She and I talk about what a great opportunity this can be for her and yes, she wants to do it. And no, she doesn't because she will miss her friends. I find myself wondering how many of these "friends" are honestly going to care. So here we are. Waiting for the form to show up, reviewing all the homeschooling curriculum advice and info we can find, and talking talking talking. I am nervous, she is nervous. Am I doing the right thing? I believe in my heart and mind that I am. She believes it is a great opportunity and gets excited about the chance to do a full science course now and possibly a marine biology course next year....... yet we are both still scared.